Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Why is it that Mr.Right pops up in almost every conversation I want to have with a sane bunch of people? I've begun noticing how Mr.Right has now become Mr.Right-about-everywhere. Blame it on the twenties, but I think the age itself is a malady for relationships. Or the lack of them, as I would testify.

Teen years were fun. They consisted of co-ed schools, catching another person's eye across the class, walking past on purpose, long telephone conversations, longer messenger chats and longest chats standing across the classroom corridors. These were my teen years, mind you. Now they seem to have etched themselves in the eighteenth century of contemporary world seeing how fast the couples progress in relationships.

And then came the twenties. Realistically speaking, it was only a day. Today I was nineteen, tomorrow I turn twenty. That was it. I was not given any super powers to multi-task my life, nor was I bestowed with culinary excellence or extreme academic ambition. I knew how to make a sandwich, and a birthday didnt change much of that fact. But people around me did. It's really weird, but I turned twenty and suddenly everyone else grew up. I saw friends entering relationships, some taking them seriously while others just went along with the drift. I saw them breaking up, making up, dissecting their love-lives amongst the eager ears and basically building a whole new world around this Mr.Right.

Who is Mr.Right really? Well, all those magazines call him Mr.RightNow. However, I've seen close friends finding their Mr.Right, and I can completely see them spending the rest of their lives with them, not just the 'right this moment'. Then there are those who go around kissing frogs just to find the real Mr.Right. In the process, they encounter Mr.downRIGHT annoying that gives us fodder for long hilarious conversations. Then there are those like me, waiting for Mr.Right, wondering if he's really sitting across the canteen or working really hard across the world so he could make every dream of mine come true.

You might laugh at that statement..surely, someone who's over twenty cant still be reeling over Mills and Boon type fantasies? But that's just it! I tried really hard to be a cynic. I tried justifying my singletondom for being independent and the 'Master of my own World'. I tried to pine about it, maybe in the hope that some knight in shining armour would rescue me, the damsel in day dream depress. I even tried laughing it off and not making such a big deal of something so miniscule in such a large life. But nothing's worked so far and I've resorted to the best version of me - going on with my life believing that Mr. Right is somewhere around the corner, and only when I move further down the road of life, can I reach that corner.

So conversations keep arising in class about this Mr.Right. I see a friend sobbing over a broken heart. I see another texting frantically a message of endearment she's learnt in a new language. I see one more having intellectual conversation with her better half, and I see yet another friend suspicious and sly about her better half's misdoings. I wonder if I'm better off living in my world of romance novels and fantasies or would I like to switch places with them. I wonder if I'd even make a good 'girl-friend' when I cant tolerate high heels. I wonder if I've missed out on years of being loved by 'someone special'. I wonder if I meet Mr.Right tomorrow, would I react like that lovestruck teen or would I be completely mature and committed like my friends, considering that I've graduated into the twenties. And finally I wonder, how much importance should I give this in my already cluttered-with-excitement life?

As I sign off, I wonder one last wonder that probably best describes my Mr.Right-about-everywhere. Is he wondering about a Miss Right too?